Back on the saddle
28 December 2019 - 1:23:48pm

After several years on inactivity, this website has been updated.. There are so many new entries that their is impossible to describe it all... Feel free to explore and drop my a line if you have any question...
A new SANDAL branch
30 July 2010 - 11:02:13am

Exciting news on the Sandal family... An exciting and surprising email by my new cousin Joshua, lead to having our two Sandal families linked together. His ancestor Jankel SANDAL was a brother to my 2nd Great-Grandfather Nisen SANDAL. Jankel\'s daughter Fraydla Ruchla SANDAL married Jonah Leybus LATOVITZKI and several of their descendants are now registered as part of the big SANDAL tree.

On other fronts, many more records were added and updated, in particular to the Slizak-Rybak branch, thanks to the amazing help I received from my Israeli cousin Miryam.
30 July 2010 - 11:01:14am

180 new names have been added since the last update, most notably an entire new Zylberkrantz-Zauberman branch provided by my new cousin Jamie. Berko ZOUBERMAN ‎(b:1856)‎ was a great-grandson to my 4th Great-Grandfather Zyskind ZYLBERKRANTZ ‎(~1791-1869)‎. His family tree spans over 11 children.

Finally, I obtained conclusive documentation clarifying the surname of my 2nd-Great Grandmother Matla SZULSZTEIN ‎(b:1842)‎. She was the grandmother of my Grandfather Israel SLIZAK ‎(1902-1980)‎.

Are we confused yet?
Uncle Max and the Rybak/Slizak connection
24 December 2007 - 4:01:02pm

After many years of hoping to solve the riddle of Max SPOSEEP ‎(b:1876, d:1937)‎, I finally managed to link this name to my Sposob family tree. Max ‎(Menachem Mendel)‎ - an elder brother to my great-grandfather Moshe Sposob- emigrated to the States leaving family behind. With help of several new family members I managed to put together his timeline and tree of descendants.

I also added many new names to the Slizak/Rybak family, descendants of my Great-Grandaunt Gitel Tova RYBAK nee SLIZAK. Gitel was sister to my Great-Grandfather Jankel Peltiel SLIZAK. My grandfather Israel used to say \"we are the last Slizak in the world\". I am glad to prove him wrong. Despite the tragedy of the Shoah, the Slizak family are very much out there.

In total, 180 names have been added to the database since September.
Feldmans back to the 1765\'s in Miedzyrzec Podlaski
2 September 2007 - 3:44:43pm

With the new documents received from the LDS, I can now trace back several generations of Feldmans living in Miedzyrzec, back to my 5th Great Grandfather ‎(!)‎ Melech FELDMAN with an estimated year of birth of 1765! My updated ancestry line:

- Hersko Slizak ‎(b:1930, d:2007)‎
- Sonia ‎(Schendla)‎ Feldman ‎(b:1904, d:1994)‎
- Jankel Feldman ‎(b:1876, d: abt 1943)‎
- Pesach Feldman ‎(b:1848, d:1914)‎
- Israel Elimelech ‎(Srol)‎ Feldman ‎(b: abt 1825, d:1888)‎
- Zelig Feldman ‎(b:1791, d:1861)‎
- Melech Feldman ‎(b: est 1765)‎

Some new branches were added to Zelig FELDMAN, Kiwa SZTEIN and Chaim Mordko WOLFSOHN\'s families. It\'s striking to see the very high death rate in children, showing the very difficult condition our ancestors lived in the early XIX century in Eastern Europe.

Finally, I am in the process to create an online album of photos and documents related to my genealogy. Still work in progress, but it can be visited here. Cousins, if you have anything to contribute to the photo album, please send it along!
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Top 20 Surnames
   Total individuals: 747
Total Names: 20
On This Day ...
Brillstein, Sidney Sidney17 January 200619Death 
Collins, Ellen Lydia Ellen Lydia17 January 1921104Birth 
Feldman, Rabbi Pesach Rabbi Pesach17 January 1848177Birth 
Fridman, Wolf Wolf17 January 200223Death 
Jegier, Szloma
Nudelberg, Perla
Szloma17 January 1834191Marriage 
Norman, George Paul George Paul17 January 1924101Birth 
Nudelberg, Mendel Mendel17 January 1829196Death 
Wilson, Georgia Ann Georgia Ann17 January 200718Death 

Total events: 8
Upcoming Events
Grynbaum, Ester Ryfka Ester Ryfka18 January 1889136Death 
Isberg, Robert ‎(Reuben)‎ Henry Robert (Reuben) Henry18 January 195273Death 
Mindlin, Daniel Daniel18 January 198540Birth 
Alexandrovich, Joseph ‎(Yossi)‎ Joseph (Yossi)19 January 193887Birth 
Bluestein, Jerome Milton ‎(Jerry)‎
Kamerman, Theresa ‎(Tess)‎
Jerome Milton (Jerry)19 January 193788Marriage 
Degens, Fred ‎(Alfredo, Izaac)‎ Fred (Alfredo19 January 1911114Birth 
Isberg, Kate Miriam Kate Miriam19 January 199035Death 
Krefman, Edythe Elaine Edythe Elaine19 January 1919106Birth 
Peltz, Mary E. ‎(Meta)‎ Mary E. (Meta)19 January 1908117Birth 
Szulsztayn, Dyna Dyna19 January 1847178Death 
Heller, Lenore Lenore20 January 200124Death 
Hershberg, Marylin ‎(Manya)‎ Marylin (Manya)20 January 193491Birth 
Mindlin, Leon ‎(Len)‎ Leon (Len)20 January 200916Death 
Savidge, Mary Louise Mary Louise20 January 199530Death 
Chonin, Eva Eva21 January 1909116Birth 
Feldman, Dr. Saul M. Dr. Saul M.21 January 193095Birth 
Isberg, Edith Edith21 January 1908117Birth 
Slizak, Shlomo David Shlomo David21 January 1914111Birth 
Wajsglus, Mejlech ‎(Elimelech)‎
Rojzen, Tauba
Mejlech (Elimelech)21 January 1900125Marriage 
Weiss, Harry Harry21 January 199233Death 
Bleustein, Bella ‎(Beile)‎ Bella (Beile)22 January 199035Death 
Rybak, Abraham Israel Abraham Israelestimated 22 January 1882143Birth 
Bluestein, Herman ‎(Hyman, Chaim)‎ Herman (Hyman23 January 1895130Birth 
Feldman, Moszek Abraham Moszek Abraham23 January 1868157Birth 
Bluestein, Esther Esther24 January 1891134Birth 
Bluestein, William Jacob William Jacob24 January 193194Birth 
Bleustein, Helene Lila
img src="themes/xenea/images/small/male.gif" class="gender_image" style="" alt="" title="" />about 24 January 196065Marriage 
Rosensweig, Abner C Abner C24 January 1903122Birth 
Wajsglus, Zisel Zisel24 January 1898127Birth 
‎(unknown)‎, Gitla Gitla25 January 1832193Death 
Asher, Augusta Augusta25 January 1886139Birth 
Gorman ‎(Grumantel)‎, Samuel Samuel25 January 1881144Birth 
Guiter, Gregorio ‎(Gershko)‎ Gregorio (Gershko)25 January 200025Death 
Jay, Andrew Nicholas Andrew Nicholas25 January 194877Birth 
Kass, Francine Joyce Francine Joyce25 January 193392Birth 
Lejbman, Sonia ‎(Sheindel)‎ Sonia (Sheindel)25 January 1925100Birth 
Ridelnik, Elías Elías25 January 200817Death 
Weingard, Steven David Steven David25 January 200025Death 
Weisman, Simon Hyman
Isberg, Kate Miriam
Simon Hyman25 January 1925100Marriage 
Cooperstein, Dinah Dinah26 January 197253Death 
Gurfinkiel, Icek Icek26 January 1843182Birth 
Jay, Abraham ‎(Alfred)‎ Abraham (Alfred)26 January 1910115Birth 
Nudelberg, Israel ‎(Srol)‎ Tuwia
Lindemboim, Ruchla Leja
Israel (Srol) Tuwia26 January 1832193Marriage 
Leveson, Renee Renee27 January 1913112Birth 
Rejsfeld, Iris ‎(Chaya)‎ Iris (Chaya)27 January 199332Death 
Soler, Ellen Jo Ellen Jo27 January 201312Death 
Geller, Morris
Bluestein, Sarah
Morris28 January 1917108Marriage 
Miller, Martin Martin28 January 194481Birth 
Kleiner, Sarah Sarah29 January 1922103Birth 
Linzer, Sara Sara29 January 201015Death 
Slizak, ‎[Srul]‎ Dawid [Srul] Dawid29 January 1891134Birth 
Kamelman, Beniamin
Sztejn, Dwora
Beniamin30 January 1854171Marriage 
Beltzer, Sadie Alice Sadie Alice31 January 1906119Birth 
Waldman, Sylvia Sylvia31 January 198540Death 
Cooper, Ellis Aubrey Ellis AubreyFebruary 1917108Birth 
Cooper, Ellis Aubrey
Laredo, Betty H.
Ellis Aubreyabout February 194877Marriage 
Ederer, Salomón Salomón1 February 1909116Birth 
Ellish, Milton Milton1 February 196659Death 
Gordon, Fred Fred1 February 201411Death 
Magram, ‎[Joel]‎ Wolf [Joel] Wolf1 February 1877148Birth 
Matlow, Bluma Bluma1 February 199233Death 
Sposob, Margarita
img src="themes/xenea/images/small/male.gif" class="gender_image" style="" alt="" title="" />February 196263Marriage 
Rozenwald, Bela ‎(Bajla)‎ Bela (Bajla)February 198144Death 
Shapiro, Cecil Cecil1 February 1908117Birth 
Trumkowska, Molly MollyFebruary 1880145Birth 
Cohen, Lynn Jeanette Lynn Jeanette2 February 197253Birth 
Fenton, Paul Howard ‎(Pesach)‎ Paul Howard (Pesach)2 February 199134Death 
Isberg, Samuel Samuel2 February 1872153Birth 
Rybak, Morris ‎(Moshe)‎ Morris (Moshe)2 February 1919106Birth 
Solomon, Max Max2 February 1911114Birth 
‎(unknown)‎, Perl Perl3 February 193293Death 
Gorman, Celia ‎(Ceil, Tzvia)‎ Celia (Ceil3 February 197352Death 
Lichtsztejn, Boris Boris3 February 200223Death 
Milbaujer, Bela Ruchla Bela Ruchla3 February 1904121Birth 
Plot, Ziva ‎(Sprinca)‎ Ziva (Sprinca)3 February 198936Death 
Feldman, Rochelle Rochelle4 February 201213Death 
Harris, Rebecca Lee
img src="themes/xenea/images/small/male.gif" class="gender_image" style="" alt="" title="" />4 February 197847Marriage 
Stoller, Jennie Jennie4 February 197154Death 
Waisgluss, Fernando Fernando4 February 192996Birth 
Feldman, Max ‎(Mordechai)‎ Max (Mordechai)5 February 195273Death 
Berman, David David6 February 199332Death 
Bluestein, Isidore ‎(Izhak David)‎ Isidore (Izhak David)6 February 194283Death 
Mauer, Pedro Pedro6 February 193095Birth 
Perlman, Sadie ‎(Syd)‎ Sadie (Syd)6 February 1906119Birth 
Sandal, Jankel Jankel6 February 1822203Birth 
Wolfman, Gregorio Gregorio6 February 199134Death 
Domb ‎(Dab)‎, Judko Jankiel Judko Jankiel7 February 1861164Birth 
Edelstein, Eleanor Eleanor7 February 1923102Birth 
Finkelstein, Gad Gad7 February 20169Death 
Kupersztejn, Bella Dinah ‎(Dina)‎ Bella Dinah (Dina)7 February 195273Death 
Magram, Nathan ‎(Ned)‎ Nathan (Ned)7 February 1903122Birth 
Krefman, Dorothy Ilene Dorothy Ilene8 February 1924101Birth 
Montgomery, Norman Paul Norman Paul8 February 194580Birth 
Nudelberg, Josef Mordko
Sandal, Sura
Josef Mordko8 February 1825200Marriage 
Starck, Elida Elida8 February 200817Death 
Sztejn, Wolf Wolf8 February 1838187Death 
Szulsztayn, Jankel Leybus Jankel Leybus8 February 1841184Death 
Bleustein, Paul Kenneth Paul Kenneth9 February 192996Birth 
Greenblo, Ezra Ezra9 February 200421Death 
Schaengold, Richard Richard9 February 192798Birth 
Zylberpic, Mejer Mejer9 February 1898127Birth 
Brillstein, Louis ‎(Szlema Lejb)‎
Lewis, Lillian ‎(Lillie)‎
Louis (Szlema Lejb)10 February 1924101Marriage 
Guiter, León ‎(Leip, Leibe)‎ León (Leip10 February 200619Death 
Lerman, Abraham Abraham10 February 197550Death 
Magram, Nathan ‎(Ned)‎ Nathan (Ned)10 February 197451Death 
Sandal, Tauba ‎[Rayzla]‎ Tauba [Rayzla]10 February 1859166Death 
Brunner, Beatrice Alexandra Beatrice Alexandra11 February 197154Death 
Lerman, Abraham Abraham11 February 1912113Birth 
Spatz, Benjamin ‎(Bennie)‎ Benjamin (Bennie)11 February 1909116Birth 
Tandter, Yona Yona11 February 192699Birth 
Dunsky, Deanna Deanna12 February 201510Death 
Katz, Michel Michel12 February 1868157Birth 
Kleiner, Harris ‎(Chaim Hirsch)‎
Katz, Neche
Harris (Chaim Hirsch)12 February 1887138Marriage 
Sandal, Malka Malka12 February 1876149Birth 
Ejnman, Jankiel
Sandal, Ruchla
Jankiel13 February 1829196Marriage 
Guiter, Ernesto ‎(Moishe)‎ Ernesto (Moishe)13 February 192798Birth 
Sztejn, Dwora Dwora13 February 1834191Birth 
‎(unknown)‎, Malka Malka14 February 1835190Death 
Cooper, Jack Jack14 February 1907118Birth 
Gurfinkiel, Josef
Bursztyn, Kayla
Josef14 February 1842183Marriage 
Zeiderman, Rene Rene14 February 1921104Birth 
Zylberkrantz, Zyskind Zyskind14 February 1869156Death 
Rybak, Symcha Symcha15 February 1901124Birth 
Sokoloff, Louis
Krefman, Dorothy Ilene
Louis15 February 194580Marriage 
Stampler, John
Hershberg, Marylin ‎(Manya)‎
John15 February 195372Marriage 
Sztejn, Benjamin Benjamin15 February 1863162Birth 
Waisgluss, Fernando Fernando15 February 201015Death 
Hewitt, Dawn Dawn16 February 196560Birth 
Nudelberg, Josef Chaim Josef Chaim16 February 1865160Birth 

Total events: 129