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Families with surname LATOVITZKIBoth alive Widower Widow Both dead Roots Leaves Marriage ? Marriage>100 Marriage<=100 Divorce Reset FAM INDI Name HUSB:GIVN Age INDI Name WIFE:GIVN Age Marriage Place Last Change MARR DEAT TREE
1 F638 I2304 Kogut, David DAVID I2299 Latovitzki, Lea Riva Father: Latovitzki, Yonah Leybus Mother: Sandal, Frayda Ruchla
LEA RIVA 1 14 July 2008 - 11:02:00pm U Y
2 F712 I2302 Latovitzki, Leyzor Father: Latovitzki, Yonah Leybus Mother: Sandal, Frayda Ruchla
LEYZOR I2318 (unknown), Ruchel RUCHEL 0 14 July 2008 - 11:02:00pm U Y
3 F174 I2300 Latovitzki, Yankel Father: Latovitzki, Yonah Leybus Mother: Sandal, Frayda Ruchla
YANKEL I2338 (unknown), Wife Of Yankel Latowicki WIFE OF YANKEL LATOWICKI 2 14 July 2008 - 11:02:00pm U Y
4 F725 I2296 Latovitzki, Yonah Leybus YONAH LEYBUS I2017 Sandal, Frayda Ruchla Father: Sandal, Jankel Mother: Feiderman, Feyga
FRAYDA RUCHLA 7 14 July 2008 - 11:02:00pm U Y
5 F738 I2294 Letty, William Father: Latovitzki, Yonah Leybus Mother: Sandal, Frayda Ruchla
WILLIAM 30 I2295 Pryzant, Chaya Father: Pryzant, Srul Yosef Mother: Greitzer, Tema
CHAYA 25 103 2 14 July 2008 - 11:02:00pm YES Y
Given NamesShow parents Total families : 5HUSB:GIVN Given NamesWIFE:GIVN Show statistics charts MARR DEAT TREE