ERROR 2: session_start(): open(/opt/alt/php56/var/lib/php/session/sess_niginquuuqa9bh0ffqc2ob0m21, O_RDWR) failed: Disk quota exceeded (122)
0 Error occurred on in function session_start
1 called from line 333 of file session.php in function require_once
2 called from line 86 of file config.php in function require
3 called from line 29 of file individual.php

Warning: session_start(): open(/opt/alt/php56/var/lib/php/session/sess_niginquuuqa9bh0ffqc2ob0m21, O_RDWR) failed: Disk quota exceeded (122) in /home/slizak/public_html/family/includes/session.php on line 333

ERROR 2: session_write_close(): open(/opt/alt/php56/var/lib/php/session/sess_j7s9p7r7lr4rjja839kebha2r1, O_RDWR) failed: Disk quota exceeded (122)
0 Error occurred on in function session_write_close
1 called from line 33 of file individual.php

Warning: session_write_close(): open(/opt/alt/php56/var/lib/php/session/sess_j7s9p7r7lr4rjja839kebha2r1, O_RDWR) failed: Disk quota exceeded (122) in /home/slizak/public_html/family/individual.php on line 33

ERROR 2: session_write_close(): Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/opt/alt/php56/var/lib/php/session)
0 Error occurred on in function session_write_close
1 called from line 33 of file individual.php

Warning: session_write_close(): Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/opt/alt/php56/var/lib/php/session) in /home/slizak/public_html/family/individual.php on line 33
Felix ‎(Fajwel)‎ Zauberman - I2385 - Informace o osobě - PhpGedView
Felix ‎(Fajwel)‎ Zauberman  ‎(I2385)‎
Křestní jméno(a): Felix ‎(Fajwel)‎
Příjmení: Zauberman

Pohlaví: MužMuž

Narození: 14. leden 1892 35 33 -- Miedzyrzec Podlaski, , Biala Podlaska, Poland
Úmrtí: 11. říjen 1939 ‎(Věk 47)‎ -- Miedzyrzec Podlaski, , Biala Podlaska, Poland

Počet přístupů: 4580

Osobní údaje a podrobnosti
Narození Narození 14. leden 1892 35 33 Miedzyrzec Podlaski, , Biala Podlaska, Poland

Sňatek Sňatek Pola ‎(Fejga)‎ Gordon - ‎[Zobrazit rodinu ‎(F807)‎‎]

Úmrtí Úmrtí 11. říjen 1939 ‎(Věk 47)‎ Miedzyrzec Podlaski, , Biala Podlaska, Poland

Univerzální identifikátor 7179A2AC73544AB4A994BFD062A969D91603
Poslední úprava Poslední úprava 24. leden 2010 - 14:49
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Parents Family  (F806)
Berko Zouberman
1856 -
Gitla Izakzon
1858 - 1941
Blima Zauberman
1877 - 1900
Rywka ‎(Rywa, Regina)‎ Zauberman
1880 - 1941
Sigmund ‎(Zelik)‎ Zauberman
1882 - 1952
Rose Zauberman
1884 -
Jennie ‎(Shayndl)‎ Zauberman
1889 - 1954
Adam ‎(Yidl, Julius)‎ Zauberman
1889 - 1930
Herman ‎(Hersz)‎ Zauberman
1890 - 1941
Felix ‎(Fajwel)‎ Zauberman
1892 - 1939
Franciszka ‎(Franya, Frajdla)‎ Zauberman
1899 - 1941
Maurycy ‎(Moszko, Moshe)‎ Zauberman
1901 -
Razel ‎(Rusza)‎ Zauberman
1903 -

Immediate Family  (F807)
Pola ‎(Fejga)‎ Gordon
1898 - 1942
Stella ‎(Stenya)‎ Zauberman
1924 - 1942